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User experience to enhance DataONE community

Rachel Volentine
University of Tennessee Knoxville
Rachel Volentine received a Masters in Library and Information Sciences from the University of Tennessee in 2010. She has been the user-experience lab manager since August 2013. She is responsible for scheduling, assisting, conducting, and training researchers in user-experience lab activities and research.

Amy Forrester
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Amy Forrester is the DataONE Member Repository Coordinator and located at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Her main responsibility is relationship management between DataONE Cyberinfrastructure and both contributing and potential Member Repositories.

Suzie Allard
Suzie Allard is Chancellor’s Professor & Board of Visitors’ Professor at The University of Tennessee in the School of Information Sciences. She is also Associate Dean for Research for the College of Communication and Information and Director of the Center for Information and Communication Studies. Allard’s research focuses on how scientists and engineers use and communicate information, particularly in the virtual environment and across distributed work teams. Current projects center on science data, interdisciplinary scientific work teams (particularly in terms of data sharing), scientific cyberinfrastructure, and science disinformation. Allard is a member of the Board of Directors for the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. She is PI or Co-PI on grants funded by the National Science Foundation, the Institute of Museum and Libraries Services, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, IEEE and others. Allard has published numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals, spoken at venues around the world and published several book chapters. Allard received a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from California State University at Northridge, an MS in library and information sciences, and a PhD in communication from the University of Kentucky. Before being in academe, Allard was the vice president of Research Frontiers Corporation which provided creative consultation services to the entertainment industry.
How much do you think about your users’ experiences? Are you building data products that address your users’ needs? Learn about user experience testing and the work of the User-eXperience Lab (UXL) at the University of Tennessee performs to improve how users interact with technology. Read more
How much do you think about your users’ experiences? Are you building data products that address your users’ needs? The User-eXperience Lab (UXL) at the University of Tennessee performs UX testing to improve how users interact with technology. The UXL has been working with DataONE and the RDM community for over a decade to help create better products that engage and empower users and stakeholders. Join us at the DataONE Community Call on January 7 for a conversation about the current state of UX in the DataONE community and how we can increase data usage, improve user satisfaction and trust in repositories, and help data organizations make development decisions that save time and money.
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