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Make Data Count: Measuring Data Use and Reach


John Kratz

John Kratz

California Digital Library

John Kratz is a CLIR/DLF Postdoctoral Fellow in Data Curation for the Sciences and Social Sciences at the California Digital Library. There, he investigates and advises the library on issues surrounding research data publication. He has contributed research to projects such as Dash and Making Data Count. Prior to joining the CDL, he earned a Ph.D. in biological sciences from Columbia University for work on the genetics and neurobiology that underlie the sense of touch.
Martin Fenner

Martin Fenner


Martin Fenner is the DataCite Technical Director and envisions, develops, implements and manages a robust technical architecture for Datacite as well as DataCite’s technical contributions for the EU-funded THOR project. From 2012 to 2105 he was technical lead for the PLOS Article-Level Metrics project. He served on the Board of the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) initiative from 2010-2012, and worked for ORCID EU in the EU-funded ODIN project from 2012 to 2013. Martin has a medical degree from the Free University of Berlin and is a Board-certified medical oncologist.
Matthew Jones

Matthew Jones


Matt directs the Informatics program at NCEAS, which focuses on both supporting efficient synthesis through scientific computing and on building new advanced infrastructure to support data sharing, preservation, analysis, and modeling. Matt is the Director of the DataONE program, a global network of interoperable data repositories, and of the NSF Arctic Data Center. In addition to data infrastructure work at NCEAS, Matt also helps to build the NCEAS Learning Hub through an emphasis on data science and reproducible research teaching.

Matt’s career has focused on improving data science infrastructure to support cross-disciplinary and synthetic science, principally through the development of open source software for data repositories, metadata systems, and reproducible analysis and modeling.

Matt has a M.S. in Zoology from the University of Florida that focused on the ecology of plant-animal interactions, and a B.A. from Dartmouth College.

Jennifer Lin

Jennifer Lin


Jennifer Lin, PhD is Senior Product Manager at PLOS. She is the primary lead of the Article-Level Metrics initiative and the publisher’s data program. She earned her PhD at Johns Hopkins University. She has 15 years of experience in community outreach, change management, product development, and project management in scholarly communications, education, and the public sector.
In the webinar, we will discuss the findings from Phase 1 in which we gathered information about the needs of researchers– how do they want to get credit for the data they produce? What do they want to know about how their data is used? What do they want to know about others’ data to evaluate quality? We connected with the community to determine requirements and understand use cases for the data-level metrics prototype. Read more

California Digital Libraries, PLOS, and DataONE are partners in Make Data Count (https://makedatacount.org/), an NSF-funded project to design and develop metrics that track and measure data use, i.e. “data-level metrics” (DLMs). DLMs are a multi-dimensional suite of indicators, measuring the broad range of activity surrounding the reach and use of data as a research output.

In the webinar, we will discuss the findings from Phase 1 in which we gathered information about the needs of researchers– how do they want to get credit for the data they produce? What do they want to know about how their data is used? What do they want to know about others’ data to evaluate quality? We connected with the community to determine requirements and understand use cases for the data-level metrics prototype. We will also demo the latest from our working prototype and share the initial results (usage, citations, scholarly references and mentions, social media, etc.) collected on datasets from DataONE member repositories.

Watch previously recorded video